After a short impromptu coach's meeting at Jeff's halfway through my 8 mile run, it was even later and darker for me to finish up. So why not hit the big hill?
The "big hill" is on Walnut Street in Mount Pleasant, and it runs in between the Catholic side and the "other" side of Forest Home Cemetery. It's toward the edge of town, right next to Old Threshers and a bunch of trees. At night, it's creepy.
So instead of running as usual with my headphones, I took them off so I could have full use of my senses to warn me when someone comes out of the bushes to murder me with an ax.
As I looked around and listened to the sound of my footsteps, my breathing, and the Gatorade sloshing around in my bottle; I got a reminder that I wasn't alone. I looked over and in the distance I saw a small glowing cross. At the time, I mistakenly thought it was the lit cross from my church, but I was on the wrong side of town to see our church's cross.
It was a great moment as I remembered that in the darkest and creepiest of places, I am not alone. Though we usually quote a different part of the Great Commission, my favorite part is when Jesus says, "...and surely I am with you to the very end of the age."
Things look pretty dark out there. Another mass shooting, political garbage, a dark world. But this photo is a reminder to me that though it's dark, Jesus is still here and His light is still on. He will never leave us or forsake us. We don't have to worry, because He's promised to stay with us and to lead us to something better.